A lady I worked with brought this in one day, and it was a hit. Now it is the favorite of all my dinner guests. It's great for a covered dish dinner too....
This versatile dish is quick, delicious and budget-friendly. I love to make my own spaghetti sauce. You can make the sauce ahead to save time. My family...
Use your stovetop to prepare a quick and tasty meal for a weeknight, or for guests! Use one pot for the pasta and one pot for the chicken, veggies and...
Pasta salad is almost always the most disappointing side dish at the picnic or cookout, but this recipe shows you how to transform what is normally an...
Feta, tomato, and olive oil are tossed with pasta in a super quick meal ready in just 20 minutes. Dinner doesn't get much quicker, healthier, or tastier...
The St. Louis style of preparing ravioli is unique and delicious. The ravioli is breaded, fried and served with marinara sauce and a sprinkling of Parmesan...
When I moved to Oklahoma, I discovered a pizza called "chicken bacon ranch" and this pasta salad is a nod to the flavors in the pizza. If desired, marinate...
If you're in rush to cook dinner plus want something so delicious and scrumptious, look no further. This shrimp pasta with lemon-butter sauce will definitely...
I've made potato-basil gnocchi before and successfully frozen it but thought I'd try the gnocchi less travelled... gnudi. Gnudi are ricotta-based gnocchi,...
One of the secrets to perfect Italian pasta is to finish cooking the pasta in the sauce. If you master and understand this dish, you will understand the...
This is super comforting and satisfying. Creamy and rich, but with a nice pop of green from the spinach, pesto, and basil. The chicken gives it some texture...
This homemade ravioli is actually vegetarian, although no one who tries it can tell! The savory filling contains three different cheeses, mushrooms, and...
Even my carnivore hubby loves this vegetarian dish loaded with cheese, mushrooms, and garlic. You can omit the chopped green onions and crushed red pepper...
An interesting twist on an age old favorite. Use your favorite shaped pasta - bow ties, shells, penne, etc...Can be assembled ahead of time and refrigerated,...
This recipe combines popular, easy-to-find, family-friendly ingredients, with an old-school, authentic Italian technique to make this lasagna unique and...
This rice and orzo recipe is very mildly seasoned. I didn't add any salt to the recipe as the salt content in different brands varies greatly; taste and...
Here's a super easy, super simple method for making stuffed pasta using wonton wrappers. If you'd rather call these crab wontons or crab dumplings (or...
A delicious side or main dish with beef, basil and lots of cheese. You can substitute the beef for Italian sausage or add a combination. Serve with crusty...
Easy and tasty. The whole family will love it! It's also my fiancé's favorite dish. He races home whenever it's fried ravioli night. Serve with your favorite...
Creamy from eggs and mayonnaise, tangy and acidic from mustard, pickles and chow chow, with a nice crunch from celery and onion. The Cajun spice just rounds...
This elegant dinner comes together in less than 30 minutes, and is a fabulous dinner to serve for date night at home, or for a dinner party, and even if...
Serve your salmon-loving friends this elegant and easy pasta dish. For those of you not watching your pennies, substitute caviar for capers. I envy you....
This is Alexis Olivia's best recipe ever! A true Italian sharing a delicious pasta carbonara dish with chicken that everyone will love. Yes, a bit fattening,...
This is a fettucine pasta recipe my friend sent me, which I've tweaked slightly. I haven't seen this on Allrecipes and since it always gets such raving...
A delicious dish for fall! Pillowy gnocchi made with a combination of butternut squash and potato tossed in a garlic- sage butter and served over a bed...
Remember the viral TikTok Feta Pasta? We're giving the same place-and-bake pasta method new life in the form of a decadent, four-cheese mac and cheese....
This is the perfect comfort food on a busy night! The whole thing comes together in one pot in about 45 minutes. It's a super affordable hearty meal created...